S-MM2H Benefits & Incentives

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S-MM2H visa permit- Benefits & Incentives

GET YOUR RENEWABLE 10 YEARS MULTIPLE-ENTRY VISA WITH S MM2H Sarawak invites qualified citizens of foreign countries to retire and reside here. It is open to citizens of countries recognized by Malaysia, regardless of race, religion and gender. All main applicants are to fulfill certain personal and financial criteria set by the Sarawak Government. Successful applicants are granted multiple-entry social visit pass for a period of 10 years and this is renewable. They are allowed to bring with them their spouses and unmarried children below the age of 21 as dependents.


We provide one-stop services for your move to Sarawak, from personalized consultation, application, to assisting you in finding the best education for your children and getting the perfect dream home. We understand visa application can be a daunting and complicated process for many. We are here to make the process a smooth one the moment you engage us to get the desired S-MM2H visa and settling down in Sarawak.


Sarawak is situated on Borneo Island, the world’s 3rd largest island. A prosperous and blessed land, it is just hours away from Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Australia, Japan, China,Korea and other countries. It is a perfect place to stay with easy access to the world.


The weather is pleasant, warm and balmy with moderate rain throughout the year. Temperatures range from 21 to 36 Degree Celsius. We are very fortunate as there are no natural disasters like typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes or earthquakes

Come And Experience A Diversity Of Asian Cultures In A Single Destination

  • COST OF LIVING The quality of life and living standards are reasonably high, with low cost of living. Major cities and towns in Sarawak are well planned and developed with modern infrastructure and facilities in place.
  • THE PEOPLE Sarawakians are warm and friendly. We welcome and have no qualms about mixing with foreigners. Foreigners are widely accepted into our community.
  • LANGUAGE The official languages of Sarawak are English and Bahasa Malaysia. Besides that, local languages such as Bahasa Sarawak, Iban, Bidayuh and Chinese are widely used in writing and speaking.
  • ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL STABILITY. Sarawak boasts one of Malaysia’s most vibrant economies, the fruit of decades of industrial growth and political stability. The government is elected democratically every 5 years through general election.
  • NATURE Sarawak has the best nature reserves in the world. There are many caves, tropical rainforests, waterfalls, beaches, rivers with rich flora and fauna to be discovered.
  • CULTURE A potpourri of culture, Sarawak is home to multi-racial and ethnic groups. The Iban, Bidayuh, Orang Ulu, Melanau, Chinese, Malay and many other ethnic groups, each practicing and preserving their century old culture, living together in one of the most harmonious and peaceful places on earth.
  • RELIGION Sarawak has no official religion. All citizens of Sarawak enjoy freedom to practise a religion of their choice.
  • PROPERTIES Sarawak has a lot to offer in terms of affordable and quality residences. It is one of the few places in South East Asia that allows foreigners to have 100% ownership on the properties purchased (leasehold or freehold).
  • INFRASTRUCTURE Infrastructure in Sarawak is excellent and constantly improving. Major cities like Kuching and Miri are well developed, making them great for both lifestyle and for business or investment.

Why SARAWAK My Second Home!

  • SPORTING AND OUTDOOR EVENTS. Sarawak plays host to many international sporting and outdoor events such as Le Tour de Langkawi and The Rainforest World Music Festival. Sarawakians from all walks of life enjoy variety of sports for recreation as well as for competition. Places and facilities for sports (gyms, parks and golf courses) can be found in many parts of Sarawak.
  • FOOD AND FRUITS Sarawak is food paradise, thanks to its multi-racial and diverse cultures. Local and international food is easily obtainable and affordable. The tropical fruits of Sarawak are unique, exotic and available in abundance throughout the year.
  • EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE Sarawak offers quality education facilities.There are many international schools, colleges and universities to fulfil your children ́s education needs. Modern medical facilities and healthcare service providers are mushrooming all over Sarawak.
  • LAW The law of Sarawak is mainly based on the English common law legal system.
  • SAFETY Statistics prove that Sarawak is one of the safest places in the world, with relatively low crime rate.
  • VISA The S-MM2H Programme is initiated and launched by the Sarawak Government.


Domestic Helper

Each participant is allowed to apply for one domestic helper subject to the prevailing guidelines of the Immigration Department.


Children of participants are able to continue their education in any private or international schools, colleges and universities of their choice subject to the admission requirements of the respective institution.

Business & Investment

S-MM2H participants are allowed to invest and participate in business subject to the existing Government policies, regulations and guidelines which are in force for the related sectors.


Foreign income and fund remitted from abroad is tax exempt. Whereas profits and income (if any, for example from sale of property or rental) earned in Sarawak is taxable.


Privilege long term multiple- entry visa that allows you to reside in Sarawak throughout the visa validity.

Residence Requirement

Participants are required to fulfil a minimum 15 days compulso stay per year in Sarawak under the S-MM2H Programme.

Housing Loan

S-MM2H participants have higher chances of getting mortgage facility from banks in Sarawak. Subject to terms and conditions.

House Purchase

Each participant is allowed to purchase unlimited number of residential properties in Sarawak, subject to the minimum purchase price set by the Sarawak Government. For example in Kuching, a S-MM2H participant can buy a unit of residential property which is valued at RM600,OOO.OO and above.

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