MM2H Requirements


MM2H Visa Permit - Benefits & Incentives

Other Post-approval Stage Requirements

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Medical Report

After approval of the application, all applicants and their dependents (spouse and children) must submit a medical report. This medical report should be obtained from any private hospital or registered clinic in Malaysia.

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Medical Insurance

After approval of the application, all applicants and their dependents (spouse and children) must possess and be covered by a valid medical insurance policy which is applicable in Malaysia. This requirement is waived, i.e. not necessary, for applicants above 59 years of age.

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Participants under Malaysia My Second Home Programmer are not allowed to work/be employed while staying in Malaysia. In addition, they should not participate in activities that can be considered as sensitive to the local people and a threat to the security of the country. However you can get permission to work part time if above 50 years old.

  • Fixed Deposits accounts can only be opened in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) for successful applicants. 
  • The Ministry of Tourism must grant approval to a participant who wishes to withdraw from the Fixed Deposit. 
  • Should a participant of this programme wish to terminate their stay in Malaysia, they may withdraw their entire Fixed Deposit. However, the Ministry of Tourism must grant approval prior to withdrawal.

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